"I am wholly opposed to mandatory vaccination and the vaccine passports because they are unconstitutional and go against our charter and these measures cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. There are more far deadlier illnesses in Canada that the government has ignored and continues to ignore and, given the hypocrisy and lack of science around safety measures, I would give the freedom to the people to decide what is best for themselves for their own safety. The government is supposed to be here to protect everyone’s rights, not take them away and dictate how things will be."
"Our constitution gives every citizen a right to life, liberty and security. It’s about time we honour our constitution."
"Canada needs to return our focus to Canadians. As our nation’s population increases, so does the demand for affordable housing. Our current efforts don’t meet the unreasonable demand placed on our municipalities with the high immigration quotas. We must better manage the flow of immigrants into our country, accepting individuals (and immediate family) who economically benefit Canada. We need to focus on encouraging the development of affordably-priced, smaller and more energy efficient housing. We shouldn’t be encouraging the construction of expensive condominiums when we can’t even meet the basic housing demands of those earning or just above the minimum wage."
"The government has continuously mistreated the Indigenous, whether going back on treaties or lack of clean water. We need to see the Indigenous as “Canadians,” not a “special interest group”. We expect Canadians to have clean water, access to healthcare, and have hygienic living conditions. Why aren’t we expecting the same for our Indigenous? When Walkerton had its water issue, it was significant and it was corrected quickly with better training and infrastructure and yet people living on some reserves can’t drink their water. We cannot continue to leave them behind or neglect them; they are Canadians and should be treated as equals."
"When it comes to the past 21 months with COVID, we’ve seen a significant surge in mental health issues and suicides. If elected, I would continue to pressure the provinces to ensure people have access to equal treatment, wherever a person might be, specifically in Huron-Bruce. I would also end the COVID restrictions and mandates and pressure the provinces to follow suit. Being segregated or ostracized has a significant impact on a person’s mental well-being and alleviating a lot of what the government has caused will go a long way to ensuring more people won’t succumb to the needless pressures."
"The climate has been changing since the dawn of time, from the period of the dinosaurs to the last ice age and everywhere in between. As the centuries rolled by temperature and weather conditions continued to cycle violently and humans were not always around to blame for it. In Canada we are already carbon neutral and do what we can to manage our waste and recycling effectively. Yes, there is always room for improvement, but the resources and technology already exist, we just need to use them more effectively. For those who choose to pollute our beautiful nation we must continue to be vigilant with financial penalties, strict fines and the payment of restitution to those negatively affected by their waste management (or the lack thereof). Thankfully, for the most part, we do not see our rivers and lakes covered in waste, as documented in many parts of India and China. Canada is already looking after the planet and there is realistically nothing we can do to change the climate. Canada produces just over one percent of the global emissions and bringing that to zero percent will not change the habits of the world’s worst polluters."
"The only two things that the federal government can do when it comes to mental health, since it is constitutionally a provincial issue, is to help raise awareness of it and to ensure the best medical treatment options are available and equally accessible across the country for those seeking help."
"Internet is provided through privately owned companies. While the Federal government can try to convince them of the positive benefits of lower prices and widespread infrastructure development, but it can not force them to do so. My goal, as an Independent, would be to reduce government regulations that limit the economic growth potential of these companies and increase their competition. More competition encourages a company to evolve and meet the demands of their consumers, in Huron-Bruce this would equate to better services and lower prices."
"The best way to get past a challenge that affects the entire country is to work through it as a united country. First, I would cancel all federal mandates and orders regarding masks, COVID vaccines, and medical passports, which presently limit the free movement and growth of Canadians. Second, I would encourage the sensible, and responsible re-opening of our nation both internally and internationally. We must work together to come up with mutually agreed on plans to move forward. This will be different from one sector of our economy to another, but we all know the end goal is economic strength and national prosperity. We must get the economy moving again, not by bailouts and welfare benefits but through re-development of our manufacturing, retail, and green-technology sectors."
"First, I would encourage the training of more childcare and early years providers to meet the demand by supporting the local development of educational programs targeting today’s realistic job market. Second, I would reduce the personal income tax levels of all Canadians so everyone, parents, couples, and single people alike would bring home more of their paycheques. I would also reduce and eliminate wasteful federal spending which will balance our budget and start reducing our debt. By increasing the amount of money left in everyone’s pockets and reducing the taxes imposed on small businesses including daycares, parents will be better able to afford the childcare they expect."
"Historically the Canadian Government has mistreated the Indigenous in some way or another, whether it be going back on treaties just after they were signed or the lack of clean drinking water and proper waste management. What we need to do is start seeing the Indigenous people first and foremost as “Canadians” and not a “minority” or a “special interest group”. We expect Canadians to have clean drinking water. We expect Canadians to have access to compassionate mental and physical health care. We expect Canadians to have hygienic living conditions. Why are we not expecting the same standards for our Indigenous-Canadian communities? When Walkerton had their water issue, it was a big deal, and it was corrected quickly with better training and infrastructure improvements and yet some reserves have been on boil water advisories for decades. We can not continue to leave them behind or neglect them, they are Canadians and we should expect them to be treated as equals."
"I believe there are environmentally friendlier options for nuclear waste that must be explored thoroughly before we consider burying it in the ground for centuries or millennia, such as recycling power generating plants. We have already witnessed the failure of these so-called “safe” underground storage facilities in Germany and New Mexico. I agree the storage of nuclear waste in above-ground sites will not always be the best solution, but I do not support the bury-it-and-forget-it option either. If this is about jobs, we already have unsustainable growth in our region as a result of the refurbishment of the largest nuclear facility in the world. We do not have a shortage of jobs here. We have a shortage of affordable housing, of access to healthcare, and of skilled trades available to the domestic market. None of these issues would be resolved by creating a demand for thousands of more people to move into our region. If this is about the environment and protecting our agricultural, tourism, and overall health of our communities I can not consciously support the DGR being constructed under South Bruce or anywhere near the Great Lakes."
"I will phase out foreign development aid and focus our international aid towards emergency humanitarian crises. I will advocate that Canada regain autonomy from the United Nations by choosing our own path forward regarding global issues. I will advocate for the government to respect and follow the Charter and Constitution in full. I will advocate for post-secondary schools to be denied federal funding if they have been shown to violate the Charter rights of students and faculty. I would push for government legislation meeting and exceeding our obligations to our veterans, so that they will never again be told that they are asking for more than we can give. I would extend firearms licences to ten years, base the classification of firearms solely on function, change magazine restrictions so that Canadian sport shooters don’t have a disadvantage competing with our southern neighbours. Finally, I would allow the firing of all legally acquired and licensed firearms on your own property where the local municipalities permit (eg. rural farmland)."
“Unfortunately, many Canadians are still clinging to the two-party flip-flop system from Conservatives to Liberals and back to the Conservatives again, because those two are ‘the only ones who have a chance of defeating the other’,” he says.
“I hope that one day, Canadians will break this cycle and instead, vote for the platform that they believe aligns the closest with their beliefs.
“As an Independent, I have the freedom to truly be the voice of the people in my riding, should I be elected.”
“I hope that one day, Canadians will break this cycle and instead, vote for the platform that they believe aligns the closest with their beliefs.
“As an Independent, I have the freedom to truly be the voice of the people in my riding, should I be elected.”
Independent Smith has a bachelor’s degree in law and justice, “and that’s what I believe in – law and justice, as well as freedom.”
Smith said he believes in “freedom from an over-reaching government who is power hungry and wants to spend all the money they can get their hands on.”
He said he will advocate to remove the carbon tax “and any other carbon-based schemes.” Smith said he’d also lower business and farm taxes.
The independent candidate said he would also “consolidate all of our firearm laws into one comprehensive piece of legislation with more specific definitions.”
Smith said he believes in “freedom from an over-reaching government who is power hungry and wants to spend all the money they can get their hands on.”
He said he will advocate to remove the carbon tax “and any other carbon-based schemes.” Smith said he’d also lower business and farm taxes.
The independent candidate said he would also “consolidate all of our firearm laws into one comprehensive piece of legislation with more specific definitions.”